Unleash Your Curls!

Unleash Your Curls!

Unleash Your Curls!

Tired of fighting your curls? It's time to embrace your natural texture! Here, you'll discover the secrets to defining, hydrating, and loving your curly hair. Let's celebrate the beauty of your unique curls together!

What is your curly hair type?

There are different curly hair types starting from waves to coiled when you know what your type is you will know how to style it.

  1. Wavy hair

Wavy hair is considered the least curly among the types of curly hair, and there are three types of it. It resembles sea waves, as your hair starts from the roots in a natural, straightway and ends with beautiful waves in it.

   2. curly hair

Curls here are characterized by being more curly and denser, and the rings are very clearly present in all types. so you should the suitable products for protecting it. 

  3. coiled hair

This type is considered the curliest and the driest, as there are types of curls in the shape of a Z letter it is very twisted and Sharp, and others look like the S letter is narrow in shape, so it is highly recommended to use deep moisturizer in this type of hair to keep it hydrated.

       The world of curly hair is a different world than others.  It's unique and brilliant. Always with the appropriate routine to maintain it makes you feel like a queen of curly hair, as taking care of it gives you defined, nourished, and beautiful curls. Let's figure out how to make good styling curls.


The 5 perfect tips for perfect curls!

1- How to wash your hair?

It is clear that washing hair frequently leads to dry hair and leads to the loss of natural oils and lipids that nourish your hair. Therefore it is recommended to  follow these steps

  1. Wash your hair two to three times a week with cold water, not hot, because it causes damage to your hair.
  2. Use free sulfate shampoo or Moisturizer shampoo, Taking into consideration the use of the appropriate type of  curly hair shampoo.
  3. Use a Shower cap to protect your hair on another shower day.
  4. Use a cotton T-shirt or Microfiber Towel to dry your hair.


2- Keep your hair moisturized..

          A clear daily challenge is to keep your curly hair moisturized so that it remains hydrated, defined, nourished, and beautifully shaped. Therefore, you must use a deep moisturizing conditioner for your curly hair, in addition to constantly using moisturizing masks for curly hair at least twice a week to ensure a high percentage of moisturizing. You can also use some oils that also help with moisturizing, such as

  • Argan oil
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut Oil

And of course, you should use leave-in conditioner After styling your hair because it keeps your hair moisturized for as long as possible, then use a suitable gel to define the shape of  your curly hair.


3- How to protect your curly hair from the sun?

         Sun, heat, and harmful ultraviolet rays lead to hair dryness and increased frizz and it's harmful to your curly hair so You should not be exposed to sunlight and heat for a long time and if you are forced to be exposed for a long period, it is recommended to use a hat to protect your hair, in addition to using hair protection products from the sun’s rays.


    4- curly hair before bed..

            Made a good styling, protected your hair from the sun's rays Now it's time to maintain your curly hair before bed, you should put your hair in a ponytail to keep the curls defined, Or make a pineapple tie and lift your hair in a circular motion that is not tight, Tie it using a satin headband that does not cut your curly hair. A satin or silk pillowcase is also recommended because it maintains the health of the curls.

 5- How do you style your curly hair?

        Curly hair is distinctive in every way, and therefore you must use appropriate styling tools that do not cause more breakage of your hair or increase its frizz. One of the tools that helps you with this is the use of a wide-toothed comb, as it is most suitable for styling curly hair.


Your curly hair is a journey, and taking care of it requires time and patience, so take care of it to define and enhance the shape of your curls. This blog will help you protect your curls  But it is not a substitute for any medical diagnosis, so you should also visit your doctor if necessary.